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Myosa® for Snorers

A comfortable, convenient and effective way to alleviate Snoring

Snoring occurs when the flow of air through the nose or mouth is obstructed during sleep. While this airflow obstruction is typically caused by relaxation and poor muscle tone around the throat and jaws there are many underlying causes of snoring. The most common of these underlying causes are chronic mouth breathing, poor diet, body size and poor forward development of the jaws. Additionally, orthodontics with extractions can make breathing problems worse.

The Myosa® for Snorers range includes two appliances specifically designed for snorers who breathe through their mouth while sleeping. The appliances alleviate snoring by slightly advancing the sleeper’s lower jaw, correcting tongue position and opening the bite, which has the effect of opening the airway.


Myosa® - S1

For snorers who breathe through their mouth

The Myosa® for Snorers S1 is specifically designed for snorers who breathe through their mouth while sleeping. The appliance alleviates snoring by slightly advancing the sleeper’s lower jaw and opening the bite, which opens the airway. Additionally, the Myosa® for Snorers S1 is made from flexible material so it is gentle on the jaw joints (TMJ) and suitable for people with jaw joint (TMJ) disorder.

The s1 appliance

Myosa® - S2

For snorers who are not chronic mouth breathers

The Myosa® for Snorers S2 is specifically designed for snorers who are not chronic mouth breathers or who have already undergone treatment with the S1 appliance. The appliance, which includes the same myofunctional characteristics as the S1 but is more comfortable, alleviates snoring by advancing the sleeper’s lower jaw and opening the bite, although to a lesser extent than the S1. Because of its smaller breathing holes, the Myosa® for Snorers S2 appliance also optimises breathing regulation by requiring some breathing through the nose then once the lips close over the breathing holes retraining to breathe through the occurs.

The s2 appliance

How it Works

When in place the Myosa® for Snorers will open the airway and control over-breathing through the mouth. The appliance’s flexible sides with air spring base minimises impact on the jaw joint (TMJ) making it also suitable for users who suffer from TMJ Disorder or grind their teeth.

Rather than just focus on alleviating the symptoms of the problem, the appliance aims to correct the upper airway and neuromuscular dysfunction, which can cause Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB).

The Myosa® For Snorers (S1 and S2) appliances function by posturing the lower jaw forward and opening the bite, which works to open the airway and regulate breathing.

for snorers - how it works 1

Normal nose breathing vs mouth breathing

Mouth breathing is abnormal and is one of the causes of Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB) problems. If a child breathes through their mouth the jaws will not develop forwards correctly.

Adults who have SDB will usually have underdeveloped jaws, which cause the tongue and lower jaw to restrict the airway. Therefore, it is important to re-learn to breathe correctly, through the nose, at all times so the lower jaw and tongue is held forward and the airway is kept open.

nose breathing verse mouth breathing


  • No fitting or adjustment required for immediate use.
  • High sides provide good retention without moulding.
  • Breathing holes effectively regulate breathing for mouth breathers.
  • Tongue tag guides the tongue forwards and upwards into the correct position.
  • Tongue elevator holds the tongue in the correct position.
  • Soft flexible material allows lateral movement making the Myosa® for Snorers more comfortable than rigid devices.
  • Easy on jaw joints. Suitable for TMJ patients.
  • Provides optimum jaw position and vertical opening for most patients.

The Myosa® S1 can be combined with Myosa® S2 or TMJ Appliance to assist in treating Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB).

myosa for snorers - features

Breathing holes effectively regulate breathing for mouth breathers.

myosa for snorers - features

High sides provide good retention without moulding.

myosa for snorers - features

Tongue elevator holds the tongue in the correct position.

myosa for snorers - features

Air Spring Base is easy on jaw joints. Suitable for TMJ disorder.

myosa for snorers - features

Tongue tag guides the tongue forwards and upwards into the correct position.

myosa for snorers - features

Provides optimum jaw position and vertical opening.

Myosa® Activities

It is important to be mindful that breathing dysfunction includes more than just mouth breathing.

The Myosa® appliance system is also designed to reduce over breathing or hyperventilation and promote diaphragmatic breathing with selected breathing exercises. These exercises will teach you how to breath correctly by establishing nasal breathing, correcting tongue position as well as stretching and strengthening the oral muscles, allowing the maximum possible benefit from your Myosa® appliance.

